
Leaderboard Sketch Revisited . . .

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Here is the finalized sketch of the leaderboard section. Remember I said I wasn't set on the original version? Here's the reason; I noticed a flaw in the original layout. In the horizontal position, the iPhone/iTouch screen size wasn't large enough to support two menus at the top (global & local ranking) and one full menu at the bottom (player stats).

At first I figured the player could just turn the device vertically and work from there. But I thought if the game is designed in the horizontal format, I shouldn't force the player to switch back and forth. That thinking helped me develop the concept you see in the upper right hand corner. I converted the design in to three horizontal displays to suit the gameplay. Each panel would function as usual and the player's comfort remains in tack.

Also, notice the options added to the leaderboard in the lower-right hand section and the revised stats section in the middle. More on both later.

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